Organization / contact
Working Terrier World Union -
Airedale Terrier Spezialklub
Österreich -
Organizing committee / contact:
Katharina Kribernegg Event management Organization office Chairman + department manager for utility dogs of the Working Terrier World Union (WTWU) President + office of the Airedale Terrier Spezialklub Österreich (ATS) Member of the advisory board of the Österreichischer Kynologenverband (ÖKV) FCI/ÖKV-judge for utility dogs + FCI/ÖKV-show judge airedale[at] (please replace [at] with @) |
Sonnleitner Lokal organization office
Office of the
Working Terrier World Union (WTWU) |
Doris Sonntagbauer Lokal organization office |
Monika Eberhardt Finance Financial manager of the Airedale Terrier Spezialklub Österreich (ATS) monikaeberhardt[at] (please replace [at] with @) |
Sandra Waluschnigg Facebook presentation Deputy chairman + department manager for obedience of the Working Terrier World Union (WTWU) Responsible for breeding of the Airedale Terrier Spezialklub Österreich (ATS) jack.cloony[at] (bitte das [at] durch @ ersetzen) |